Explore our range of durable and practical outdoor gear designed to enhance your adventures with your pet. From foldable dog trailers for active outings to comfortable strollers for leisurely walks, we have something for every dog and every adventure.
Choose from a variety of sizes to suit your dog’s breed and your needs, including small, medium, and large options.
Enjoy convenient folding designs for easy storage and transport.
Keep your dog safe and secure with sturdy construction and reliable features.
Find the perfect match for your style with colours like red, black, blue, brown, and charcoal grey.

Buying Guide

Dogs love exploring the great outdoors just as much as we do! At Pawsnug, we offer a wide range of outdoor dog gear to keep your pet safe, comfortable, and happy on all your adventures. Here's what to consider when choosing the perfect equipment:

Type of Activity: Will you be cycling, jogging, walking, or travelling? Different outdoor dog gear suits different activities. For example, if you're cycling, the Red Foldable 2-in-1 Dog Trailer, Medium offers a safe and comfortable ride for your dog, while the Red Foldable Pet Stroller for Small Dogs, Small, 15 kg Capacity is perfect for leisurely walks in the park.

Dog Size & Breed: Consider your dog's size, breed, and age. Smaller dogs may be comfortable in a Charcoal Grey 3-Wheel Pet Stroller, SwiftUI for Small Dogs, whereas larger breeds may require a 2-in-1 Dog Trailer, Large for comfortable transport.

Features & Specifications: Look for features such as:
* Ventilation and shade protect dogs from sun and heat.
* Safety features like harnesses, brakes, and reflective materials are essential. Check out the Folding Dog Bike Trailer, Medium, Blue for these features!
* Locking mechanisms for strollers ensure your dog's safety while you're on the go.
* Foldability and storage options are important if you have limited space. Many of our strollers, like the Brown Folding Dog Stroller are designed with these needs in mind.

Durability & Material: Choose outdoor dog gear made from durable materials that can withstand wear and tear. Consider factors like weather resistance and ease of cleaning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What size dog will fit in the Red Foldable 2-in-1 Dog Trailer, Medium?

A:This trailer is designed for medium-sized breeds and has a weight capacity of up to 45 kg. Please refer to the product's detailed specifications for exact measurements.

Q: Are the Steel Dog Bike Trailers safe for my dog?

A: Absolutely! They are constructed with durable steel frames, come equipped with safety harnesses, and are designed for secure attachment to your bicycle. Remember to always follow the manufacturer's instructions for safe use.

Q: Can I use a pet stroller for jogging?

A: While many pet strollers are suitable for walking, not all are designed for jogging. Look for strollers with features like larger wheels and shock absorbers, like the Brown 3-Wheel Dog Stroller for a smoother ride when jogging. Always prioritize your dog's safety and comfort.

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